Spring Planting Festival
I have wanted to attend the Spring Planting Festival in Missouri for a while and this year, kind of at the last minute, Kris and I decided that we could take a VERY quick trip to check it out! We found ourselves free and clear for that exact weekend and decided to jump in the truck and head that way.
The Spring Planting Festival is hosted at and by Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, which happens to be where I order all of my seeds every year. I was extremely excited about getting the opportunity to check out their facilities!
Road Trip Fun
I will stop here and say that I love road trips with my husband. (I’ve actually always enjoyed road trips, but with him, they’re even better!) From our place here in Southern Oklahoma, it’s about 7ish hours to Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in Mansfield, MO. ….it was fun the whole way!
We had a great time along the way, which is what I advise all of my friends to do on any road trip! We stopped here and there, listened to music and had some great conversation. Bass Pro is one of our favorite places to shop, and since we were going through Springfield, we just had to stop at the massive one that they have!!!

On to the reason for our trip…
We spent the night in Springfield and early the next morning headed straight to Baker Creek. Now, I will say that the last couple miles were horrific as we almost stood in place waiting to drive in, but the festival was definitely worth it. (So, on a side note, if you attend, get an early start!)
The festival featured a variety of terrific speakers concerning topics such as organic farming as well as market farming. We really enjoyed the speakers that we were able to see and left with some great information. For instance, we had the opportunity to hear the folks from Off Grid with Doug and Stacy. We have enjoyed following their videos so it was nice to hear them speak at the festival.

Booths and Vendors
We were also able to check out all of the MANY vendors that were set up. We truly enjoyed seeing the many products that were showcased there and even picked up a few great deals!!!

Spring Planting Festival Entertainment
The entertainment that was available there was also quite fun and interesting! I really enjoyed the various music and singing that was all over the grounds!

Tour of the Facilities
We really enjoyed all aspects of the Spring Planting Festival, however, the best part for me was the tour of the Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds facilities. They took us in groups through various areas of their operations. It was fascinating to see.

Other than the individual growing areas, that were very interesting in themselves, we also got to tour the areas where they receive, sort and separate the seeds and orders. They use a very technical, computer driven system that, I must say, I did not expect. It certainly makes sense, considering the amount of orders that they must ship out every year. I’m not really sure what I had expected, but this wasn’t it! It was very impressive.
The entire area was beautiful and when it’s not crawling with thousands of people, I’m sure it’s also quite serene! If you garden, homestead or anything similar, you should definitely check out the Spring Planting Festival at Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds! I’m already planning for next year! Hope to see you there!
Kris and I love a great road trip and/or getaway! Check out our recent trip to Gruene, Texas.
Also, if you enjoy gardening be sure to check the gardening section of Two Oaks Farm Talk!
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Farm Raised Familyis basically a hub for everything under the Two Oaks Farmstead umbrella. You can learn a great deal about all parts of the farmstead there. TheFarm Raised Family blogfocuses on financial matters such as budgeting, saving, and more and on current events affecting families.
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Farm Life and Freedomis the new podcast we are in the process of launching! It is going to be so much fun!
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