Category: Farm Style Parenting
Motherhood; A Glorious Burden Motherhood is a journey of self-discovery and growth. It is a glorious burden that brings with it immense joy, but also great responsibility. It requires …
A Guide to Cultivating Values and Beliefs Defining Conservatism Conservatism is an ideology and a political movement that, simply put, advocates for maintaining traditional values. Conservatives are often seen …
Public Displays of Affection Simply put, Public Displays of Affection (PDA) are a way of expressing love and affection in public. It can take many forms, from holding hands …
Understanding the Challenge of Raising Teens – Staying Sane when Raising Teenagers Parenting teenagers can be a real challenge – to put it mildly. They are at the age …
New to Homeschooling? That’s OK. There is a Homeschooling Method for You In the two decades of homeschooling that I have done, I have tested and tried a variety …
Gingerbread House Tradition I am a mom who loves Christmas-every aspect of Christmas-and as such I do all of the Christmas-y traditions with my family…whether they like it or …
Bob Ross Art Challenge Recently, my youngest asked me to do a Bob Ross Art Challenge with him. It honestly surprised me because he has never been very big …
Beginning with Honesty When my husband and I first met, our initial conversations included utter honesty. You see, we weren’t planning on dating, much less getting married. I remember …
One of the elements of our southern, country way of life is the fact that the majority of us spend our lives growing up with guns. Now, that’s not …