Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home
When I was growing up, I LOVED Little House on the Prairie. I read the books, I watched the show religiously…I wanted to be Laura Ingalls Wilder! So, when my husband and I took a quick trip to attend the Spring Planting Festival in Missouri this Spring, I took the opportunity to drive down the road and visit the Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home.
Now, I will mention here that my husband is about 12 1/2 years younger than I am, so while I was literally in a fantasy world admiring the place, he was chuckling at me. He didn’t quite understand my obsession…but he loves me, so he went along happily.

The Home and Furnishings
Considering how old the house is, it was honestly quite remarkable. The rooms were tiny as they tended to be back then. In fact, we looked at one staircase that led to the attic area wondering how on earth a grown adult made it up there. …and they must have built their furniture in place up there!
The home is kept up by the Wilder Home Association and I must say they do a tremendous job of it. Everything was pristine, to include the furnishings. One of my favorites was the writing desk, where I presume Laura would sit to write the books that filled my childhood.

The Museum and Artifacts
Rocky Ride Farm, as it is known, is an absolutely beautiful area. I can certainly see why it was an inspiring place to live and write. There is also the Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane Museum right next door. It displays a large amount of historical artifacts from their pioneering days. It claims to have the largest amount of Ingalls and Wilder family collections in the world. There is even a bookstore where you can purchase all of those wonderful ‘Little House on the Prairie’ books plus many other items as well.
My visit to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home was short, but memorable. I left with a huge smile on my face and childhood memories flooding back through my mind… and heart. If you are like me and grew up on ‘Little House’, I suggest taking a moment to walk through history at this wonderful piece of it. You won’t be sorry.
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