growing up with guns

Growing up with Guns

One of the elements of our southern, country way of life is the fact that the majority of us spend our lives growing up with guns. Now, that’s not to say that we are all fanatical crazies, but it does mean that we fully believe in the second amendment and all that it allows us. My kids are no different.

My kids are growing up with guns

As a gun-owning parent, I fully believe in teaching my children all about firearms for their own safety and security. We started them all out at a young age with the normal progression; BB guns, pellet guns, shotguns, and rifles and we also train them on our sidearms. I am a strong believer in the fact that knowledge is power. And knowledge of all safety measures is a huge part of that process.

We, of course, have taught our children good marksmanship procedures but first and foremost, we teach our children safety. We teach them how incredibly important it is to be safe at every moment when they are even near a firearm.

They know how to properly assemble, load and fire their weapons and more importantly, they know when to fire. They know all about using their weapons for the purpose of hunting and feeding their family but I can also feel comfortable with their ability to defend themselves and their family.

Knowledge of Firearms Pays Off

There have been many accounts over the years of kids who had to use a firearm to save their lives during a home invasion and that kind of thing can’t happen without knowledge and training. I applaud the parents of those kids for teaching them these important skills and I applaud those kids for utilizing that knowledge to save their lives.

Knowledge is Power … Be Powerful

As a woman who carries regularly, I’ve heard many different opinions on guns. Everyone has one… and they are entitled to it. There are a lot of people out there, still, who are afraid of guns. But what I always find, after drilling down a bit, is that their fear of guns typically boils down to the fact that they have no actual personal knowledge of them. It is a lot easier to fear something that is foreign to you.

I have trained many women over the years in how to properly use a firearm and each time, getting real first hand experience quells those fears. Once a person fully learns about firearms; how they work, safety procedures, what they are capable of and what their limitations are, they are in a stronger position to utilize them properly.

Guns do have a place in our lives, whether or not people like it. We use them to provide for our families, we use them to defend our families and maybe most importantly, we use them to maintain our rights.

Firearms and the Second Amendment are what stand in the way of a tyrannical government being able to fully control the population.

There is a Lesson Here

If you are someone who lacks knowledge of firearms, I urge you to learn. Seek out training, practice and then practice some more. Familiarize yourself with this tool that is such an important element of living a free life. And, if you have children, I urge you to teach them all about guns. Teach them the importance of safety. Teach them to have respect for firearms.

Teach them the right way, so that they don’t experiment the wrong way.


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growing up with guns

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