home, homeschool

Home is Where Great Learning Begins

Hands on Home – Schooling

I have been homeschooling my kids for over 2 decades now and I’ve learned so much over these years. In fact, I would say that I’ve learned just as much as my kids have learned… just maybe in different areas.

Each of my children has different personalities, sure, but they all have different learning styles as well. My youngest, for instance, more than anything else wants and needs ‘hands-on’ everything. Now… this has been pretty clear for years due to the fact that he can’t keep his hands off of anything! Most of the time, when he was younger, my most often used phrases were “hands off” or “don’t touch”.

These days I take a different approach. I am convinced that Mason, my 12-year-old, can learn absolutely anything at all if he can just touch it! Therefore, I look for any way possible to teach him in a hands-on fashion.

Home Architecture in Homeschool

This past year, we have been working on a remodel and new addition to our home. I love that my kids get to have a part in all of these projects because they teach so many terrific life skills. They have been learning construction, electrical design, roofing, and of course their favorite – demolition!

The Dilemma – Vision

I handled most of the design of the addition myself, working things out with my husband along the way. Mason is not really one that sees what something can be. He needs more concrete, tangible proof – factual evidence; a hands on approach. Every time I tried to explain it to him, he would tell me (while my eyes were rolling to the back of my head), “Mom, that’s not gonna work. It’s gonna look dumb”. For my sanity, and to keep myself out of jail, I decided to bring Mason fully into this project.

The Process – Touch

When I felt like we had a pretty good working plan, Mason and I set out to put together a scale model of our design so that we could have a real-world look at it. I explained the process to him, as I have done quite a few of these over the years, and he took off with it. He put it together like a champ.

We took all of our measurements and brought them down to scale. We cut the exterior wall and roof sections from foam core board and used tape to stick them together. This gave us a terrific 3-dimensional look at our build.

To be honest, the model helped all of us. We have a difficult new roofline (to say the least) and having the model in 3D really helps to envision the potential issues as well as make good plans for strategy.

After building the model, Mason had a much better idea of what it was that we were trying to accomplish with our new build. It has given him more of a feeling of being a part of it as well. Seeing –and feeling–is believing.

Conclusion – Seeing–and Feeling–is Believing

As a homeschool mom and more importantly–his mom, I think I can honestly say that Mason doesn’t even realize that he currently lacks the ability to see what something can be. However, he more than makes up for it with his ability to learn with his hands on his projects. That fact makes me incredibly happy as well as gives me a roadmap of what I need to do to sculpt his learning.

When we, as homeschooling parents, can find that one piece of the puzzle that will help unlock their learning potential, then we can give our children exactly what they need to reach an unlimited field of possibilities.

Never Miss a Thing!

You may also like to have a look at some of our other homeschooling related content; such as Socialization-the 1 ‘S’ word I hate, or Critical Thinking and Reasoning.


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home, homeschool

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